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"Get Hooked on Washington"

john cambis's Trips

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This user has 104 trips in their collection.
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Nice day washing lures
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Views: 2621
Rodgers lake

Went to Rodgers lake for some quiet relaxation before the big freeze. The action was slow for me, but after about 2 hours we figures out the on bait. Jerkbaits were all that were drawing any attention. I had two in the box, but was having a blast telling war stories about guides and women. I had one hit and miss from a pick, but there were at least a half dozen fish in the boat, and a decent bass around two and a half pounds.

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Fighting the blue bird
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Views: 2140
gorton pond niantic

Left the house at 2pm and headed out for gorton. I had the boy with me as usual, and i was going to give my black war bait jig some play. I threw on a black with red flake grub and gave it some water time. Almost imediatly i go a good bite, but failed to get a good hook set, and i never saw the fish at all. Not a great way to start but it said that the jig should have been good to go. I kept it tied on the rest of the day and got no other bites on it. My second pole started with my new mepps cyclops spoon in silver and i up-sized to the larger 5/8ths in orange and that got no action. I put the sliver back on and ended up taking 4 more bites. I landed two picks both small and lost another almost immediately. The one bass i got was about half a pound and considering my first miss i definitely set the hook. My frist ranibow fish, left the water 10 feet from the boat and made a nice arc 10 feet from the boat at all times. He hit the water and swam away. Guess i need to look at changing or sharpening the hooks on my new lures. The seem to work ok in a soft mouth.

Fall day in the rain.
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Views: 2889
Long pond

Ventured out to long pond on Friday, having a lot of withdraws due to the sun going down so early and not able to get out after work. It was just looking ominous when i rolled up, and i was not long before it started to rain. I guess i got lucky due to it never really opening up. By the end of the trip me and the boy were completely soaked. I wore my jacket but did not put on my pants due to my son not having any. I figured as long as i was ok he should be to. The wind kicked my but, and the bite was not all that great. It got a little better at dusk, but not great. Catch for the trip two decent picks one yellow perch and one 2lb LMB. Guess you could say i got my fix but not the best trip.

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First trip to Moodus Resivor
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Views: 2773
Moodus resivor

It was so cold yesterday that i had to get out today, and even though the sky looked as though it may open up any second it did not. The wind was the major pain of the day. It was ok but then a gust would come along and i would be moving along about 5 in my yak not so great for contact baits. I started with a worm on one pole and a jig on the other. I was throwing the worm in open water and the jig in the wood or in the pockets. Started off nice with the large fish for the day at 4lbs. I measured it twice due to coming out at 4 exactly. It was buried in a tree, and even though it did not do any crazy maneuvers between his pull and the wind i ended up in the tree with the fish. I got a great hook set in the top of his mouth so even though i had to untangle the line from the tree he was just waiting when i got done. Thank god for braid as i got untangled and resumed the fight. I only got one hit on the jig all day, despite throwing it off and on all day. The worms i threw did not take a single strike, and the crankbait took the most fish by far. Five LMB two PIKS, and one Perch.

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Snuck an hour in
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Views: 2611
rock lake

Went to pick up a movie for the wife and drug my pole along. I just got my st croix 6'6" mhf and wanted some water time. I like it better than my medium, and it has tons of backbone. I was tossing a little 1/4 jig with a black paca craw. Landed only two fish, but this lake has tons of pressure with the kids in the barracks fishing it daily. After catching a fish right next to a few kids from the barracks i gave them each a jig and a few trailers.

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One fish only day
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Views: 2466
shetucket river

Randy took out the boat and we hit the river below the occum dam. The fishing was rough as we only got one fish in the boat in 6 hours on the water. There were no nibbles or any signs of other fish. We were watching the fish finder after a while just to see and nothing. The passing front the rain last night and the blue bird skys were all the bad signs. The fishing report for the morning was almost off the charts, but that did not go so well on the water.....

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Friday afternoon at Dodge pond
Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2580
Dodge pond

Headed out by my ownsome for a few hours of R+R on the small water pond. I had no big expectations, but was going to give the worm a try because others have said its still good to go. I did ok with 5 fish total in the boat and missed 3 others on the hook set. I played with the frog at the end in the Lilys at the end of the pond. I had one fish go for it and miss, and no other stirs from that area. Its very shallow and weedy so i was not going to throw anything else in there.

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Afternoon at Lake Hayward
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Views: 2626
Lake Hayward

The day was overcast with plenty of mist. It never broke out in a downpour which was great. There were a few other boat out on the lake, but they were taking out as we put in. We were gunning for bass and had about a dozen fish including pickerel in the boat. A chartreuse crank bait took the kings share of the fish and the jig took one and the swim bait another one.

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swim bait throwing
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Views: 2265
Pattagansett Lake

Decided to try a day of dedicated swim bait fishing. Have had a few packages of keitech's sitting in the garage, and been trying to find the right time to toss them in the water. Watching the temps start to fall i figured that i would give it a go, hoping that the fall binge had started. It was not magic for sure, but the catch was respectable and was great fun being so different.

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heading for the pond but did not make it
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2035
shetucket river

Launched from the dirt ramp at the park of 97. One day a cop will give me a ticket for sure, but i drive to the launch. No action at all on the main river. Paddled across the river and drug the boat up the creak. It was much shallower than going up the quinabaug, and the return trip was dragging it back down stream. The small-mouth action was continuous. Most were about 10 inch, with a few 12 inchers in the mix. Two big small-mouth for the day were a 15 and 16 in a pool with a giant tree in the middle, a hundred yards below the dam.

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afternoon at the long pond
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Views: 1964
Long pond

First time back in months. They are doing a lot of road construction, and i guess now that fall is coming the people are all staying home because i had the whole lake to myself. When i arrived there was no wind and it looked like glass, at about 4 o'clock. I figured i would try only for the big ones, so i jiged it up. Fishing was ok with a bunch of shorts, until about an hour to sunset and then it got a bunch better. I started down the shore after going threw the tunnel and it was on. Still catching shorts but the action was much faster and they seemed to be getting a little bigger all the time. Finally at 7 oclock almost exactly i hook into a decent fish. Fight was on and a min or so later resting on my scale was a fat 3.3 lb LMB. My biggest of the trip and at that lake to date. Same picture as all the big fish lately sitting in the shade under a good size tree over the water.

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Views: 1891
Quinebaug River

Launched today at the rt14 bridge on the quini. Again i headed upstream, due to not having another chase car to bring me back. Its nice the river is low, or i don't think i would be able to make it. Some sections have decent current, even though the total flow is down. In the spring this section is raging and lots of class two rapids. The fish were playing great and i must have had 100 total in the boat . I started off with the worm looking for some good small-mouth action, and this section of river is great for trout in the spring. I ran the spinner for a good while and ended up with a ton of sunfish and even more small-mouth. Largest fish of the day was a LMB.

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up the river i go
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Views: 1910
Quinebaug River

I decided that i was not going to let a little low water ruin my love for the river, and i just did it. I put in at the trout hatchery and moved up stream. To my surprise there were other people floating down the river. My favorite section of river i have done so far was from the hatchery down in the late spring. The trout were great and lots of them. I was fishing for small mouth, and i took about 10 in the 5 hours i was on the water. Nothing to brag about 13" about the biggest, but the location is awesome and the river is beautiful. I would take any river trip and have nice things to look at over a pond and houses any day. The other big upside is no power boats or ski's. There was an old woman and her dog on the bank having a good time, chasing frogs. There were a lot of shallows, and good pools, if i went with a second person and went down stream only it would have been better and a lot less work, but i still had a great time. Stopped at the 205 crossing due to time and running low on steam fighting up river, took only 30 or so min to go back down to the hatchery to take out.

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Falling short of the gold
Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2055
shetucket river

I have wanted for a long time to fish the river above the occum dam. I was not looking fwd to dragging my 75 pound yak to the river. I always take my young son, and that's no help when it comes to moving the boat around. I had high in the sky hopes for this location, i guess i built it up to much in my mind. It turned out to be a big disappointment, but at least i did not get smoked. The water level behind the dam was only 2-3" and there is a ton of sand that has built up, effectively making the dam useless. I wander what people were thinking watching me drag my boat across the water right behind the dam?
I managed a few 13-14' LMB and a few more shorts with some smallies in there. I did spot a school of large carp, 4 in the group and a few huge loners along the way. I dont think it was worth the effort, but if your looking to do the trip you can put in on the dam after you cross drive left on church street and its there right on the left almost immediately.

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eve on the pond
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Views: 1873
ashland pond

I took a second trip up the river section of ashland pond. I felt it would be a better trip than the last due to the cloudy weather and a good fishing report. Boy am i happy i went. Started off wacky worming, which was ok, but led to a decent start. I was three casts in while still close to the ramp, and i hooked a 14 LMB which i let my boy reel in. Then i had some other nibbles but not much else. I worked up to the big downed log on the other side of the 395 bridge, and was not so hopeful. Swiched to my jig setup and hit the same water on the way back with a jig vise worm, and it was a night and day diffrence. I ended the day with the top two fish being 3lb1oz and 2lb 15oz. I weighed the big ones and measured the smaller fish. I should have been playing numbers because i had 2 14,s a 15, 16 , 17.5 and the two big ones in the 18 ish range, but i did not tape them.

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Three hours at Gardner pond
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Views: 2655
gardner lake

Got out tonight for a few hours and had some good fun. No huge ones, but i did have some epic battles with some pounders in the pads. Any fish that's deep in the pads feels like a giant, and you end up bringing half the vegetation in the whole pond with each one. Blue black was the color of the day, with only hits on that color worm. I did manage two fish in a melon red jig, but that was deep in the pads. Guy pulled a 3 lb on a black red frog near me, but he got nothing else. All in all a decent day and little traffic only one jerk in a power boat with his wife waving like hi... and i am thinking if this paddle was long enough....

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Pickeral pond no bass trip.
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Views: 1315

Swung by little pickeral pond today for about three hours. Threw worms at first and had one taken by by a pick, and then nothing. Switched to a melon red jig and that was stolen after an hour. Have only landed on bass ever at this pond in 8 or so trips, so i dont think there is a good population, like at smith pond right below it. Smith looked like pea soup so i bypassed it. End of day no fish in the boat , skunked for the first time in a while.

three hours out and about
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Views: 2197
hallville pond

Launched at the bridge crossing, it has grown over a bit, due to a lot less use than the last time i was there. Started off throwing old relable a melon gold flake sinko, and zip. Worked threw the bag and finally hooked into a 17" LMB. Black blue was the color of the night. Got these worms as a grow your style gift, thanks Randy. They stayed on my hook for the rest of the night. Only landed four fish, but all were quality. Largest was an 18.25 LMB. Bit off twice by pickerel, and i got a third in the boat, a lucky snag in the corner of its mouth. There were a lot of dead weeds which did not make a lot of sense for this time of year.

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three hours out and about
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Views: 1285

Launched at the bridge crossing, it has grown over a bit, due to a lot less use than the last time i was there. Started off throwing old relable a melon gold flake sinko, and zip. Worked threw the bag and finally hooked into a 17" LMB. Black blue was the color of the night. Got these worms as a grow your style gift, thanks Randy. They stayed on my hook for the rest of the night. Only landed four fish, but all were quality. Largest was an 18.25 LMB. Bit off twice by pickerel, and i got a third in the boat, a lucky snag in the corner of its mouth. There were a lot of dead weeds which did not make a lot of sense for this time of year.

Long paddle worth the trip
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2098
norwitch river

Launched at the main harbor, and paddled up the east arm of the river. It was easy at first, but they have opened up the gates some, and there was some flow at i made my way up stream. i had to get out three times to portage some small shallow sections, not to bad. The smallies were killing it, although there was nothing big, the amount of hookups still made it a blast.

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Evening at taftville pond
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Views: 2030
taftville pond

Went out today even though there was a cold front that was passing, just becasue it was the first time this week and i had not had my regular fix. The fishing was slow but i was happy i went landing a 18"LMB. The upper sections of this river pond are a lot better than the section below the island. To date the largest fish in the lower section was a 13" SMB which i got on this trip. Things may be diffrent during diffrent parts of the year but the upper sections have been good all year.

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Good day on the river
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Views: 2131
shetucket river

Launched from the park right below the occum dam. I drove into the launch, but there is no road, and i did not feel like dragging my yak the three hundred yards to the launch and back. The only other option is to launch on the other dam to the south and paddle all the way north. That was not a great option as the paddle home would be against the wind the hole way with no current to help. The purpose of the trip was to learn all about wacky rigging a worm. I have never fished using this technique, and was going to figure it out for myself. I do have to say that it is the way to go, if your not throwing around wood. It hangs up on any wood in the water even the smallest twig. Otherwise its the best way to rig a worm for open water i have ever tried. Started off Texas rigged and then when the worm got tore up i switched over. My catch rate rapidly increased, until i did not waste my time and just started the worm off this way. One of the best side effects i have had so far is that i end up gut hooking with wacky a lot less. The larger bass still are about 50/50 but i will take any improvement in that area i can get. I also need to look into an o-ring set, because the life of a worm is very short when wacky rigged. I also discovered how to get a professional birds nest in my casting reel. Throw a worm that comes off mid flight and viola its a huge mess.

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first time on Ashland pond
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Views: 2047
ashland pond

I had a decent day, starting off worming, and then switching to a jig on the way back. Got 5 or so smaller largemouth, about 12 inches or so. Worm got me a 17" in the woods, and it was a great fish. weighed in at 2lb 10oz. On the way back i got owned by something, i never saw the fish, but it bent my pole over and just ran with my line, drag cranked down for single hook operation. Luckily i was on my medium heavy pole with braid, and i still did not have enough power to control the situation. There was no clear water, as there were downed trees everywhere, and i lost it. Closest i came to seeing the monster was the knot on my leader.

Started at Norman road, and stopped before the dam to Hopeville, only because it was to shallow to continue. Must have not be to much further, as i was way past the 395. I ported over a downed tree, to the entertainment of an old man in a canoe watching and fishing.

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Awesome day at lake of the Isles
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Views: 2574
lake of the isles

Faced the music and the thunder storms today for some time on lake of the isles. I have been there twice before, and it was not so kind. I have made a major change in how i fish, now using jigs vise spinners and rapala's. Wow what a diffrence a jig makes. I had the best day in total weight i have had anywhere. Landed 5 over two pounds and the big-one today in the boat was 3lb 12 oz at 18.5 inches. The belly was swollen like huge. I had two great fish come un-buttoned, so i have no real good idea what they weighed for sure, but they fought like the 16's i landed, and not as good as the 17's or big one. I always think that storms bring great fishing and today was no exception, wish i could get the pics off my phone to share, but alas i am cheap and don't pay for net service.

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